As one of the original digital storytellers at AOL, a career expat and lifelong performer for stage and screen, I am committed to using the power of All-Media (SM) to inspire cross-cultural co-creation and understanding. During my career I have made news and shared views with leading outlets worldwide.
Whether moderating power breakfasts, panel discussions, and planning sessions or participating as a featured speaker, I love provoking new ways of thinking about almost any subject and facilitating meaningful conversations that influence the influencers to co-create positive and truly sustainable change.

Success Mentorship
Over the years my work in corporate and as a consultant has always blended brand and business strategy with a mentoring component.  In my in-house roles where I built several communications departments from scratch, I recruited and groomed many young professionals who had no prior communications experience. All of them went on to quickly enjoy promotions and global leadership positions at some of the best brands in the world.